I’m pleased to announce Entrian Inline Watch 1.0.16, which fixes some problems with value display, mostly that C# and VB just stopped working in recent versions of Visual Studio 2022:
Values are once again displayed properly for C# and VB in recent versions of Visual Studio 2022. Thanks, Kat and Anthony.
Values are correctly displayed for the declarations of local variables and function parameters in C++.
Values are correctly displayed for explicit ‘this’ access in C++, eg. this->x. Thanks, Josh.
I’m very pleased to announce the release of Entrian Source Search 1.8.3, which adds these features to the command line program ess.exe:
The returned errorlevel is now more sensible:
0 for success; for the search command an errorlevel of 0 means that some results were found.
1 for a search with no errors but no results.
2 for errors.
Errors are now written to stderr rather than stdout
There is now a -showcount switch, which prints the number of hits at the end of the results.
The Visual Studio extension has one new feature:
The context menu for the results list has new command “Copy list of all filenames (without duplicates)”.
And some bugs have been squashed:
When loading a solution in Visual Studio 2022, Source Search now correctly loads your index every time, rather than sometimes failing and telling you there’s no index loaded.
Source files in UTF-8 with no BOM are now much more reliably detected; by default Source Search asks Windows to detect the encoding, and it often gets it wrong for UTF-8 files.
When Windows says that a file is ASCII-encoded, Source Search now treats it as codepage 1252. If it really is ASCII then that makes no difference, and if Windows has got it wrong (which does happen) and it’s not UTF-8 then codepage 1252 is the most likely encoding.
Source files containing Zero Width Space (U+200B) codepoints no longer crash or highlight the wrong words in the results list.
I’m pleased to announce Entrian Inline Watch 1.0.14, which fixes a crash when editing a source file during a debugging session in recent versions of Visual Studio 2019.
I’m pleased to announce Entrian Source Search 1.7.20, with these fixes and features:
Lots of problems fixed with multi-screen mixed-DPI environments, which for some reason seem to have become very popular in recent weeks… Thanks to lots of people who have sent bug reports for this.
If you run out of disk space during indexing, you’re now prompted to retry, so you can clear some space and carry on.
When you lock a tab, the Search box now gets a grey background to make it visibly obvious that it’s locked. Thanks, Jools.