Entrian Solutions

Entrian Source Search 1.6.4: ‘Work like grep’; better memory usage

Sunday, November 27th, 2016 by

I’m very happy to announce Entrian Source Search 1.6.4, with two new features:

  • ‘Work like grep’ shows one result line per source line, rather than one result line per match (note that stepping though the results still steps through every match).  Thanks, Chris and Jools.
  • You can now do a ‘Delete word backwards’ in the search box using Ctrl+Backspace.  Thanks, Ben.

…and two bugfixes:

  • Source Search is now ready to use as soon as Visual Studio loads the solution, rather than waiting until all the projects are loaded.  Thanks, Ernie.
  • Reduced excessive memory usage caused by queuing up too many files for indexing.  The thread that walks your source tree queuing up files to index now waits for the indexing thread to catch up a bit, rather than building an indefinitely-long queue.  Also reduced memory usage by automatically excluding more known-binary file types without opening them, and excluding them earlier in the process so that they don’t take up space in the queue.  Thanks, Fred.

Existing users should note that upgrading to 1.6.4 will rescan all your files, in order to index the line breaks for ‘work like grep’.  Until that process is complete, Source Search won’t ‘work like grep’, and will display a warning explaining that the update is incomplete.

You can download the new release from the download page or the gallery.

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