Entrian Solutions

Entrian Source Search 1.7.5: Performance and responsiveness

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017 by

I’m very happy to announce Entrian Source Search 1.7.5, with these features and fixes:

  • Searching now happens in a background thread, with a Stop button.  Accidentally searching for a semicolon no longer locks up Visual Studio for a few seconds.  🙂  Thanks, Jeremy.
  • Improved performance of multi-token wildcards in cases where the query includes two or more of them.
  • Removed an unnecessary lock between the indexer and the searcher, which meant that searches could take longer than necessary when indexing was happening.
  • The number of hits is now limited to one million, because once you get into multiples of that, Visual Studio tends to run out of address space and crash.  (This involved adding my favourite class of the week, the OneMeeellionHitsException. 🙂 )
  • The text in the Search box is now clearly visible on High DPI displays (broken by query syntax highlighting in the previous version).  Thanks, Hans-Peter.
  • The query syntax highlighting colors are now more visible in dark themes.
  • The Home and Left keys now work when you have a query text selection that ends at far left of the query (also broken by query syntax highlighting).
  • Search warnings (eg. “Per-line wildcards not fully ready: Update incomplete”) are now printed by the command-line search tool (ess.exe).
  • Made the Search box wider when the display is wide enough for it.

You can download this new version from the download page or the gallery.


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