Thursday, January 13th, 2011 by Richie Hindle
I’m happy to announce Entrian Source Search 1.3.11, which brings you the following features:
- You can use your text editor font for the search results, rather than being stuck with Microsoft Sans Serif (thanks, Mark)
- You can force a refresh of all files in the index (rather than just the changed files)
- You can choose how to interpret 8-bit source files that have no UTF-8 BOM (thanks, Alexei).
As always, there’s a 30-individual-day trial for new users, and the upgrade is free for existing users.
You can download Entrian Source Search 1.3.11 from the Download page.
1 Comment »
Friday, August 13th, 2010 by Richie Hindle
I’m happy to announce the release of Entrian Source Search 1.3.10, which fixes three bugs:
- Very occasionally, Source Search could throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when you hit Search. Now fixed.
- When you try to view a search hit in a non-existent file (for instance because you’ve deleted a huge pile of files and the index hasn’t caught up yet), the error is reported properly, rather than giving a cryptic “Value does not fall within the expected range” message (thanks, Joe).
- When showing a search hit in a .sql file, Visual Studio no longer occasionally shows an error message when there was no error (thanks, Stoney).
You can download 1.3.10 from the usual place.
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Monday, April 12th, 2010 by Richie Hindle
Entrian Source Search 1.3.9 introduces a “Force index refresh” command. This isn’t necessary for most people because Source Search automatically re-indexes changed files as soon as they hit the disk, but some users whose source files are held on network drives have found that changes aren’t always picked up. (Thanks, Christian.)
Exclusion patterns are now case insensitive (thanks, Ike).
You can download 1.3.9 from the usual place.
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Saturday, January 9th, 2010 by Richie Hindle
If you’re having trouble with iPlayer on a mobile device over WiFi, this may be of some help:
I recently installed a Netgear DG834 ADSL 2+ modem router. It works beautifully.
My other new toy is a T-Mobile Pulse Android phone. A lovely bit of kit for not very much money.
Trying the excellent beebPlayer application (an iPlayer client for Android) I found that quality was far worse on WiFi than on 3G. Surely that can’t be right?
To cut a long story short, the DG834 has a feature called Port Scan and DOS Protection, which as it turns out interprets the incoming RTSP packets as a DOS attack and drops most of them. Switching the feature off (under Advanced / WAN Setup) makes it all work perfectly.
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Tuesday, December 15th, 2009 by Richie Hindle
I’m happy to announce the release of Entrian Source Search 1.3.8, which fixes three crash bugs:
- When first running a non-English Visual Studio 2008 after installing Source Search (thanks, Jean-Michel).
- When triggering a search with the Project Properties window open (due to a known bug in Visual Studio) (thanks, Stoney).
- After typing extra spaces before or after your index root directory paths (thanks, Tom).
You can download 1.3.8 from the usual place.
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Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 by Richie Hindle
Dear Windows,
When people see a hyperlink, they expect to be able to click it.
Failing that, they expect to be able to select the text and copy it.
When the link is for Technical Support, these things become even more important.
When the link is for my website, this sort of failure makes me cross.

Yours sincerely,
Richie Hindle
Update: This issue is fixed in Windows 7, so yes, it turns out that Windows can do better than that. 🙂
Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 by Richie Hindle
I’m pleased to announce Entrian Source Search 1.3.7, which lets you export your search results (thanks, Pros):

Download from the usual place.
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Thursday, September 24th, 2009 by Richie Hindle
Entrian Source Search 1.3.6 comes with one enhancement and one bugfix:
- There’s a new hotkey Shift+Alt+= which activates the Source Search window without doing a search.
- A wildcard search that returns no hits now correctly says “No hits” rather than giving the misleading message “Please enter a search term as well as a filter”.
Download from the usual place.
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Monday, September 14th, 2009 by Richie Hindle
- You can now filter on:
- file:. or path:. to search just the file currently open in the Visual Studio editor
- dir:. to search in (and under) the directory of current file
- ext:. to search files with the same extension as the current file (thanks, Dan and Joe).
- Sorting the results list by Folder name, Filename or Extension now only takes one click, not two (thanks, Dan):

- Multiple +file filters act as ORs, not ANDs, so you can say +file:main.cpp +file:old_main.cpp (thanks, Anton).
- Fixed a crash when you resized the Search window so small that no Hits could be shown (thanks, Andrew).
- The timeout for incremental search is now two seconds rather than one (thanks, Dan).
- Scrolling the results list with the scrollbar now gives the list the focus, so that the mouse wheel then works (thanks, Dan).
- Improved the visual appearance of the results list column headings and the toolbar on Vista and Windows 7.
- Fixed a painting glitch that could prevent the “Partial results” warning from showing and hiding itself at the right times.
Update: Many thanks to Anton for spotting a bug in file:. filtering, which could make Source Search crash if you mistyped it as file: – that’s why we’re now at 1.3.5 (blush).
The upgrade is – as always – free for licensed users, and there’s a free 30-individual-day trial for everybody else. Download from the usual place.
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Monday, August 31st, 2009 by Richie Hindle
Entrian Source Search 1.3.3 brings you a whole slew of enhancements:
- You can now sort the results by folder name, by filename or by file extension (thanks, Rob and Pros):

- You also get incremental search within the results, so you can focus the results and then type the first few letters of a filename or folder name to jump directly to it.
- You can now control how much text appears around the actual hit in the “Hit” column, via the new “Verbosity” slider:

- The toolbar button labels are hidden when there isn’t enough space for them, so the buttons don’t disappear into the toolbar overflow:

- When the Hit column gets narrow, the context shrinks so you can still see the hit text properly.
- When the Folder column gets too narrow for the folder pathnames, the pathnames are now truncated from the left rather than the right, leaving the most important pieces visible.
- The tooltip for truncated items in the results list no longer times out (thanks, Grammarian).
- Added a workaround for a bug in early versions of .NET 2.0, which could cause an ArgumentOutOfRangeException when searching (thanks, Eldad).
As always, the upgrade is free for licensed users, and there’s a free 30-day trial for everybody else. Download here!
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