Spell checking entrian.com with Spellr.us
I recently noticed a spelling mistake in one of my blog postings. Yikes! For a committed spelling geek like me, that’s really really bad! How did it happen? I blame GMail. For a time, GMail was making my Firefox crash. So I switched to IE for a bit, and IE’s
doesn’t have a built-in spell checker like Firefox does. Good grief – for my last few blog postings I’d been un-spell-checked without knowing it.
So I needed an online spell checker, and quick. Spellr.us came to my rescue. It’s very easy to use, and does everything I wanted:
- One-off on-demand checks
- Regular scheduled checks
- RSS feed of new spelling errors
- Custom dictionaries, that you can populate from the list of unknown words on your site
- The ability to exclude areas from spell checking (eg. blog comments, though I reserve the right to correct your spelling anyway 🙂 )
And as an unexpected bonus, it will even show you your pages with the spelling errors highlighted – very nice indeed.
Update: At the time of writing, Spellr hadn’t announced their pricing. They now have. Their free plan scans 20 pages 5 times a month with no scheduling and no RSS. Their cheapest monthly plan is $24 and scans 1,000 pages 10 times a month with no RSS. To get what I’d consider a sensible minimal service, daily scans with RSS, you need to spend $47 a month.
Too rich for my blood. This might be one of those vanishingly rare cases where a software developer looks at the price of something, says “I could do it cheaper myself”, and is actually right.