Entrian Solutions

30 day product challenge: The half-way point.

Sunday, June 15th, 2008 by

It’s day 15 of the 30 day product challenge.. here’s how I’m doing – how about everyone else?

Jobs done (roughly one per day)

Proof of concept: Skeleton app.
Proof of concept: Prototype click-stopping code.
Proof of concept: Drag the rectangles (really basic implementation)
Proof of concept: Keyboard suppression. Testing. It all works!

Install and customise WordPress.
Write the initial blog posts.
Product name and logo.

Startup dialog to explain the workflow.
Yellow bar a la Remote Desktop.
Create / Load Template dialog.
Create, move and delete rectangles in the template.
Write some AdWords ads (for a future blog post – watch this space).

Still to do (hopefully one per day!)

Set Password and Reminder dialog / Password prompt dialog.
Load and Save of templates.
Ctrl+Alt+Delete handling.

30-day trial system.
Licensing (two days for this)
Test and fix on Vista (the proof of concept already works there).
License / installer / executable signing.

Details / Doco page.
Download page.
Contact / Helpdesk page.
Buy Now page.
Start an AdWords campaign.


Profit. 🙂

6 Responses to “30 day product challenge: The half-way point.”

  1. Mike Wilson Says:

    You’re being very productive!

    A couple of recommendations for you on your to do list. You probably already know but: Use Comodo code signing certificates (good value) and SetupBuilder (robust and reliable). Highly recommended 🙂

  2. Richie Hindle Says:

    @Mike: Thanks! I’m already using a Comodo signing certificate (bought via http://www.ksoftware.net/) so I’m with you on that one. I usually use InnoSetup for small-scale installers, but I’m open minded about it – any reason you’d recommend SetupBuilder over InnoSetup?

  3. Mike Wilson Says:

    I migrated from InnoSetup to SetupBuilder a few years ago. Actually, I migrated first to Installshield 12, but that that platform to be incredibly buggy.

    SetupBuilder is easier to use that InnoSetup, produces better looking installers with a smaller executable size. The scripting language is more powerful and especially for us .NET developers the ability to check for and bootstrap components such as the .NET Framework or other components (e.g. MDAC, MS Reports) is excellent.

    It also supports web based installers (reducing the runtime size if you have lots of downloads), and web updates.

    And it does pretty much everything you could possibly want from an installer!

    The level of support from Friedrich Linder (the creator) is nothing short of outstanding.

    Of course it depends on what you want but SetupBuilder is THE tool I wished I’d bought years ago.

    And I don’t say that about any other software or have anything to do with Lindersoft (other than as a satisfied customer).

    Many thanks,


  4. Richie Hindle Says:

    @Mike: Thanks for the info! If and when Inno proves inadequate, I’ll check out SetupBuilder before anything else.

  5. Steve McLeod Says:

    Seems like you are making good progress. Out of all the 30-day people, your app stands out for its combination of usefulness and simplicity.

  6. Richie Hindle Says:

    @Steve: Thanks! Marketing it to a world that doesn’t know it needs it will be the hard part. Most people I’ve mentioned it to have said they think it’s a great idea, but no-one I haven’t mentioned it to has said that. 🙂