Monday, January 21st, 2013 by Richie Hindle
- Fuzzy search: you can check the new ‘Fuzzy’ button to match:
– variations: Archive matches CArchive
and Archival
– international spellings: Color matches Colour
– spelling mistakes: Definitely matches Definately
(For a large solution, fuzzy searches do go a bit slower than normal searches – they take a couple of seconds rather than being mostly instant.)
- You can now specify a filter with no search term, eg. file:*terrain* dir:renderer, to get a list of the matching files. Thanks, Reva.
- There’s now a persistent toggle for ‘loose’ phrases on the toolbar, to save you typing loose: all the time. Thanks, Rory.
- You can now use the keyboard to toggle the options from the search box: Alt+C for Case sensitivity, Alt+L for Loose phrases, and Alt+F for Fuzzy search. Thanks, Rory.
- Your selections for Case sensitivity, Loose phrases, and Fuzzy search are now remembered between sessions.
- Since phrases can now include wildcards, hitting Alt+= with
selected now escapes the asterisk: char\*. Thanks, Ryan.
- The shortcut keys for moving through your search history (Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] in the Search box) no longer conflict with Resharper.
- The ‘Hint’ dropdown and the tooltip for the Search box now include examples for Loose phrases. Thanks, Darker.
As usual there’s a 30-individual-day trial for new users, and the upgrade is free for existing users.
You can download 1.4.9 from the Download page.
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Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 by Richie Hindle
- New feature: Loose search, which searches for matches near to each other rather than for exact phrases:

The default behaviour for loose:”some phrase” is to allow up to ten tokens between the matches, but you can tune that: loose100:”some phrase” allows 100 tokens between the matches. The terms don’t have to appear on the same line for matches to be found, nor do they need to appear in the order you give them. Thanks, Rory and Darker.
- You can now use wildcards in quoted phrases:

And of course you can combine these two features to do a loose search for wildcards.
- Breaking change: To escape an asterisk, eg. to search for
, putting it in quotes no longer works (because wildcards now work in quoted phrases). You need to escape it with a backslash: char\* or quote it and add a space: “char *” (which will still find char*
- The “Partial results” warning, which has always appeared during the initial build of an index, now also appears when you add a new root directory. Thanks, Jason.
- Fixed a very rare (like, once ever) shutdown crash (AccessViolationException).
- Adding a root directory for which you don’t have read permission no longer crashes. Thanks, Jean-François.
- The “Licensed to” text no longer overlaps the “Hit” label when your window is very narrow.
- Source Search now works on PCs with FIPS Compliance enabled.
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Sunday, December 9th, 2012 by Richie Hindle
I’ve just released Entrian Source Search 1.4.7, with the following fixes and features:
- Newly-modified files are now pushed to the front of the indexing queue, so they get re-indexed more quickly (thanks, Flavius).
- When you follow a hit to a saved file that has been changed on the disk but not yet re-indexed, that file is automatically pushed to the front of the index queue (thanks, Jason).
- Renaming a file by only changing the case of its name no longer causes it to be permanently indexed twice (thanks, Darker).
- Files that are somehow in your index but not under one of your roots are now purged from the index (thanks, Carl).
- Licence names with non-ASCII characters now display properly (apologies to Torbjörn and those in Montréal).
- The results count (“34 hits in 7 files”) would sometimes not update until you moved your mouse over it (thanks, Darker).
- Hitting Alt+= on a preprocessor directive like #include now works.
- Fixed a crash when you hit an alphanumeric key with the keyboard focus in the results list and the last hit highlighted.
- Fixed an intermittent crash (ClosedChannelException) when searching while a large file was being indexed in the background.
As always, there’s a 30-individual-day trial for new users, and the upgrade is free for existing users.
You can download this latest release from the Download page.
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Saturday, September 29th, 2012 by Richie Hindle
I’m pleased to announce Entrian Source Search 1.4.4:
- Support for the Visual Studio 2012 Dark Theme:

- Inclusions: you can now specify which files to include in an index. Under normal circumstances Source Search indexes all file types, excluding those you tell it to, but you can now give it a list of file types to include. Thanks, Anton and Darker.
- Per-solution control over inclusions and exclusions: if you normally include all files, but for a particular solution you only want to include *.vb (and not *.Designer.vb, if you like) then you can specify all that in the index properties. Thanks, Darker.
- Instant update of new exclusions: when you add a new exclusion pattern, matching files are removed from the index immediately. Previously you might have had to wait a while for the index to catch up. Thanks, Flavius.
- You no longer get a bogus Visual Studio error message when jumping to a search hit in the SQL editor. Thanks, Antonio.
You can download this latest release from the Download page.
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Tuesday, September 11th, 2012 by Richie Hindle
Hot on the heels of Entrian Source Search 1.4.1 comes a bugfix release:
- Fixed an embarrassing race condition in the auto-complete code that could lead to a crash (thanks, Joseph).
Please upgrade from the Download page.
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Sunday, September 9th, 2012 by Richie Hindle
I’ve just released Entrian Source Search 1.4.1 with the following fixes and features:
- Support for Visual Studio 2012 (but no support for dark themes yet – that will be in the next release).
- Where an index was corrupted by a crashing Visual Studio, Source Search now identifies that the index is corrupt when you restart, and automatically recreates the index.
- Indexing an entire drive now works (thanks, Patrick).
- You can now use Ctrl+C in the results list to copy the pathname of the current hit to the clipboard (thanks, Peter).
- The auto-complete dropdown now appears properly when the Source Search window is undocked.
- Fixed a naming conflict whereby two solutions with the same name in similar locations could unintentionally share an index (thanks, Christoph and Alex).
- The colors in the results list now update immediately after you change your editor colors via Tools/Options. (Previously you needed to go to the Source Search Options dialog to get them to update.)
As always, there’s a 30-individual-day trial for new users, and the upgrade is free for existing users.
You can download this latest release from the Download page.
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Tuesday, June 14th, 2011 by Richie Hindle
I’m very pleased to announce Entrian Source Search 1.3.14, which fixes the following issues:
- Using your text editor font for the search results no longer suffers a resource leak (thanks, Mark)
- Index optimization now never happens when you’re using your PC, but instead waits until there’s been no mouse or keyboard activity for at least five minutes (thanks, Anton)
- The Verbosity slider is now effectively unlimited, allowing your search results to take up the full width of the screen (thanks, Stoney and Pierre-Olivier)
- In Visual Studio 2010, hitting the Alt+= hotkey now puts the focus into the search box even if the Entrian Source Search window wasn’t previously visible (thanks, Christian).
As always, there’s a 30-individual-day trial for new users, and the upgrade is free for existing users.
You can download this latest release from the Download page.
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Tuesday, March 8th, 2011 by Richie Hindle

If you’ve ever tried (as I was trying this week) to debug a loader problem on Windows, you probably know about the very useful gflags application. It’s part of the Debugging Tools for Windows, and one of the things it does is enables “loader snaps” for a process. That tells the Windows loader to send a whole bunch of useful information to the debugger console as it loads an executable and its DLLs.
Except that it doesn’t. Not if you’re running on 64 bit Windows, developing a 32 bit application. If you just follow the obvious download links for the Debugging Tools you’ll get the 64 bit version, which will quietly ignore your request for loader snaps for your 32-bit application. To set the appropriate flags you’ll need to install the 32-bit Debugging Tools and use that version of gflags.
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Saturday, February 26th, 2011 by Richie Hindle
I’m happy to announce Entrian Source Search 1.3.13, which fixes an error when opening XAML files for Windows Phone 7 (thanks, Anton!)
You can download Entrian Source Search 1.3.13 from the usual Download page.
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Monday, January 17th, 2011 by Richie Hindle
Hot on the heels of 1.3.11 comes Entrian Source Search 1.3.12, which fixes two bugs:
- The hit count and search time (“120 hits in 23 files, 0.11 seconds”) would sometimes fail to update after you hit Search.
- There was a resource leak that would (after many days of use!) cause Visual Studio to run out of GDI resources and start to suffer painting glitches.
Download Entrian Source Search 1.3.12 from the Download page.
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